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Potions & Coins

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Let’s get onto pickups! Our game will have two types of pickups: Coins, and Potions. Coins will give us a point, and Potions will heal us for half a heart!

Thankfully the setup for the two will be extremely simple, and they won’t even need a script! As all logic is handled by our hitbox script!


  1. For coins, we’ll create a new scene with a root node of Staticbody2D calling it “Coin”

    It should have a child of type CollisionShape2D

  2. We’ll also want to add an AnimatedSprite2D to the root node.

    Here’s how my scene looks:

    Coin Scene

  3. We’ll add the animation the same way we did with our player! Click on the AnimatedSprite2D and in the inspector, under Animation create a new Spriteframes

  4. Click on the new Spriteframes and add sprites from file. (The coin has four frames) Make sure to click autoplay (The ‘A’ in the pointy box) and then assign a shape to the CollisionShape2D that loosely matches the coin. (I just used a circle)

  5. The coin as it is very small, so open the inspector for the root Staticbody2D and change the Scale values to 2.

  6. Now, all that’s left to do is create a Group. With the root Staticbody2D still selected, navigate to the Node tab of the inspector, then to the Groups tab.


    In the box, type “coin” and click Add

  7. Then, click Manage Groups and select each Node, followed by Add to ensure that each node in the scene is in the group.

  8. Finally, we’ll want to open the Collision tab on the inspector of the Staticbody2D setting the Layer to only 2, and deselecting all numbers under the Mask as we don’t want our coin to be looking for collisions, or to be physically collided with!

  9. Save the scene as “Coin.tscn”

And that’s our coin! The only script work we need to do is in our UI script! But first we’ll need to add a UI element to track our points!

Don’t worry, we’ve done all the hard work of connecting signals earlier! This’ll be nice and easy!

  1. Let’s head to our UI Scene. To the root node, add a new child, of type HBoxContainer call it “pointContainer”

  2. Give it two children, a TextureRect and a Label, name the label “pointsLabel”

  3. In the inspector of the TextureRect set the Expand Mode to “Fit Width” and assign the first coin image to the Texture field using the Load Option

  4. Finally for UI setup, in the inspector of the Label write “0” in the Text field. You’ll notice this is pretty small! Scroll down in the Inspector until you see Theme Overrides. in this section you’ll find Font Sizes. Set this to something you think looks good! I went with 40px.

  5. Great! Now we just need to add two lines of code to our UI. and then our points are done!

    First, a reference to our label, same way we’ve been doing, this should be second nature by now!

    @onready var points_label = $pointContainer/pointsLabel

    then, we’ll finish the function we created earlier.

    func add_point():
    points_label.text = str(int(points_label.text) + 1)

    This looks a little silly, but what we’re doing is taking the current text in the label, converting it to a number, adding 1 to it, and then converting to back to a string.

If you’ve set it all up right, you should notice this number going up each time you pick up a coin! Add a few instances of the coin scene to your level to test!


For potions the process is exactly the same! You should be able to do it on your own! Just follow the steps for creating the coin scene. Except in this case we’ll just want a regular Sprite2D As the potion sprite isn’t animated, and we’ll want the group to be called “health” (make sure it matches the line we wrote in

Don’t worry if you don’t seem to be able to pick up the potions! It’s probably because you have full health!


  • I’ve created a coin pickup
  • I’ve created a potion pickup
  • I’ve tested them in my game