Adding UI
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Let’s start adding some UI to our game!
First let’s think about what we’re going to want:
- A reticule, so we can aim
- A way to track how many lives we have still available
- How much time is left before we win
- A label that says if you’ve won or lost.
Making the UI
Section titled Making the UIAnd that should be all for now, but once we’re done you should know how to add anything else you might want
In your main scene, add a new Control node as a child of the root ‘World’ Node. Rename it to ‘HUD’. Save it as a new scene, call it HUD_scene and then open the scene.
Click on the root Control node, and in the inspector, under the Layout section, set its Anchor Preset to ‘Center’
As a child of the root Control Node, add a ColorRect. This will be our Reticule. Open the inspector, set its colour to whatever you want (Although Ideally not white)
Note: If you have an image you want to use as the reticule instead, use the TextureRect node
Now, in its inspector, under the Transform tab, set both Size values to 5px, and both Pivot offset values to 5px. Finally, under the Layout tab, set the layout mode to Anchors and the Anchors Preset to Center These will all ensure the reticule is in the exact center of the screen.
Run the game, and you’ll notice aiming is much easier now!
Great, now let’s go back to our HUD scene.
Add four Label nodes, all children of the root node. Name them, ‘life_label’, ‘life_val’, ‘time_label’, and ‘time_val’ respectively.
Let’s put the two ‘life’ labels in the top left (You can move them just by dragging by entering Move mode by pressing ‘W’) and the two ‘time’ labels to the top right.
Now we’ll set the text, this is done in the inspector in the Text field.
Make ‘life_label’ say “Lives:“
Make ‘life_val’ say “3”
Make ‘time_label’ say “Time Remaining:“
Make ‘time_val’ say “000” (We’ll set this via scripting later.)
Now, let’s add one final Label, call it ‘winlose_label’ and make it say “You Lose!” In the inspector, Set its Anchors Preset to Center the same way you did for the reticule. Under the Theme Overrides section in Inspector, open the font sizes tab, and set the font size to something like 50px. Then, under the Visibility Section in the Inspector, untick the Visible box to hide it. (We’ll make it visible via a script)
Now set them up in the scene, mine look like this:
Let’s create a simple script to let us easily change the values of our labels.
UI Script
Section titled UI Script-
Attach a script to the root Control node and call it ‘HUD_manager’
As you’ve probably come to expect, let’s add some exports to access our ‘val’ labels
@export var life_val_lbl:Label@export var time_val_lbl:Label@export var winlose_lbl:Label -
We’ll add three simple functions that update these. Because these are so simple, we won’t bother going over them line by line.
For the Life Label:
func update_life(life:String):life_val_lbl.text = lifeFor the Time Label:
func update_time(time:String):time_val_lbl.text = timeand for the Win/Lose label:
func show_win_lose(text:String):winlose_lbl.text = textwinlose_lbl.visible = trueWith the only real difference here being that we make the Win/Lose label visible when we update it.
Important: Before we move on, make sure you set the Export vars in the inspector!
Great! Now let’s get these connected. For now we’ll just connect the updateLife function and make the text appear when we lose. We’ll be adding the timer (and therefore winning) in the next step.
For this, we’ll be updating our objective_health script.
Updating the Objective Script
Section titled Updating the Objective Script-
First of all, let’s add a new variable to store a reference to our HUD, and in the _ready function, assign this. We’ll also assign the displayed Health text here based on our Exported health variable, so that the two always match.
var HUDfunc _ready():HUD = get_tree().root.get_node("World/HUD")HUD.update_life(str(health)) -
Then, in the entered() function we wrote earlier, we’ll do two things:
- Update the label whenever we take damage, to the new health value
- If we reach 0 health, display “You Lose!” (We can remove the Print() now)
HUD.update_life(str(health))HUD.show_win_lose("You Lose!") -
for a function that looks like this all together:
func entered(area: Area3D):if(area.is_in_group("enemy")):health = health - 1area.get_parent().queue_free()HUD.update_life(str(health))if(health <= 0):HUD.show_win_lose("You Lose!")
If you run the game now, you should see our health decreasing whenever an enemy reaches the object, and the “You lose!” text showing up when our health reaches zero!
Now, let’s add a timer so we can actually win!