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Adding Killzones

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Next let’s make a killzone so that when you fall off the map or hit an enemy, you’ll restart the level.

  1. Create a new scene with an Area2D node and rename it Killzone. Go to Collision in the Inspector and change the mask to only have 2 selected.

  2. Attach a script to Killzone. Default options are ok.

  3. Click on Killzone and in the node menu on the right connect the “body_entered” signal to the Killzone script. Replace the all of the code in the script with this:

    extends Area2D
    ## Kill area, reloads the game
    # Restart the game when the engine is free to do so
    func _on_body_entered(body:Node2D):
  4. After saving, you can now drag this scene into your Level1 scene.

  5. Give the Killzone a CollisionShape2D as a child node in the Level1 scene and rename it to Collider. Make the shape a New WorldBoundaryShape2D. Drag this below your platforms so the player can fall into it. Screenshot showing WorldBoundary

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