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Adding our win Condition

Our game’s win condition is going to be surviving until a timer runs out, without losing beforehand. For this, as you may have guessed, we’ll use a Timer again, just like we did with the spawners.

However, we don’t really need our timer to have its own scene, as we’ll only have one in our scene. This makes this an excellent time to talk about Autoload scripts! Which are Godot’s equivalent to Singletons if you’re familiar from other Languages.

  1. To create an Autoload we’ll open our Project Settings and tab over to the Autoload tab. In the Node Name Section, call it “game_timer” and confirm to create the script.

    Clicking on the “res://” field will open our script.

  2. First, let’s set up our variables.

    var game_length = 60
    var HUD
    var timer

    Our first variable here will determine how many seconds it takes before we win the game. Something to keep in mind, because Autoload scripts don’t have scenes, we can’t use Exported variables.

  3. Our other two variables will be assigned in our _ready() function, which we’ll set up now:

    func _ready():
    HUD = get_tree().root.get_node("World/HUD")
    timer = get_tree().create_timer(game_length)

    First, as we did in our Objective, we’ll get a reference to our HUD. Then we’ll create a timer with a length set by our game_length variable.

  4. Then connect it to a function that we’ll create now.

    func win_game():
    HUD.show_win_lose("You Win!")

    This function displays “You Win!” on our UI, and then calls another function we’ll create now, which will close the game after a delay.

  5. Let’s also create a function to close the game after we lose

    func start_close_game():
    var tq = get_tree().create_timer(2)

    Here we again create a new timer, but this time, attach it to a built in Godot function which will close the game. In this case, the game will close after 2 seconds.

  6. Finally, we need to update the text on our time_label to reflect the amount of time left on our timer. Thankfully, Godot makes this easy for us. We’ll do this directly in the _process(delta) function.

    first, let’s get the remaining time, and covert it to a string.

    var time = str(timer.get_time_left())
  7. We could just leave our variable here, but it would have a lot of extra characters after the decimal place which will go off the edge of the screen, so let’s trim it before we update the label.

    time = time.erase(5, 15)

    This trims any characters after the 5th (Which keeps two decimal places) and then updates the text.

Our final step is to make sure our game also closes after two seconds when we lose. Because we’ve made our timer an Autoload it can be accessed easily from anywhere!

Let’s go to our Objective script.

And simply add


Directly after the line where we update the label to say “You Lose!”

And that’s it! We have a fully functioning 3D game with gameplay, UI, a win condition, and a lose condition!

Congratulations, you’ve just made your very own 3D game!

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