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Finish Line & Display

Adding in some of your heads up display

Section titled Adding in some of your heads up display

In order for us to know if we are at the finish line, we will need a display for the racer. Ideally, this should include a lap counter, time, a finished screen and a crashed screen.

  1. Add a new scene, and add in a Control node. Name it “HUD”.

    Under the Layout > Anchors Preset in the Inpsector, set this to Full Rect. This means the HUD will be the full size of the game screen.

    Drag this hud.tscn scene into the car.tscn scenes’ top node (which should be VehicleBody3D).

  2. In the HUD scene, add a Panel node. This will be the top display bar, showing the timer, laps, and if the car is reversing.

    Change the sizing of this panel using the red dot anchors to be sitting on the top of the screen with full width. So we can see behind this panel: in CanvasItem > Visibility > Modulate, change the alpha (how transparent the object is) to halfway. And change the colour to your favourite colour!

  3. Accessing our future labels

    Add a global group called labels, so that we can change each of the lap, timer and reverse labels in the scripts.

Adding laps with a finish line

Section titled Adding laps with a finish line
  1. In the hud.tscn scene: Add a Label into the Panel node.

    • Rename it to Laps.
    • Set the text to Laps: 1/3.
    • Change the scale to 2, to make it more visible.
  2. Move it to the top left corner of the screen.

  3. Add the labels group to the Laps label, you should see a rectangle with a circle inside it pop up next to its name in the scene bar.

  4. In the track_1.tscn scene: Add a script on the Node3D.

  5. Create these nodes under the Node3D (the root).

    • Area3D (named “FinishLine”)
      • CollisionShape3D (with a shape of BoxShape3D)

      • MeshInstance3D (with its mesh being BoxMesh and having a size of x=8.5, y=1, z=2)

        • Add a new StandardMaterial3D with a finish line picture like this (using the Albedo texture).

        Finish line picture to add into MeshInstance3D

        You will need to play around with the UV1’s scale. The numbers I ended up with was x=3, y=2.02, z=0.

    Add a signal to “FinishLine” Area3D check whether the car has exited the area (so we will be able to check if the car has done a lap). To do this, you need to go in Node > Signals tab on the right, press body_exited(body: Node3D), and click Connect down the bottom.

  6. Inside our newly created script, add this code to update the laps each time. Make sure to read and understand the code!
    # Variables to manage laps
    var maxLaps = 3 # Total laps to complete the race
    var currentLap = 1 # Current lap the vehicle is on
    # Variable to store references to all labels in the "labels" group
    var labels
    # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time
    func _ready() -> void:
    # Get all nodes in the "labels" group
    labels = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("labels")
    # Called when the vehicle exits the finish line area (signal from finish line Area3D)
    func _on_finish_line_body_exited(body: Node3D) -> void:
    if body is VehicleBody3D: # Check if the body that exited is the vehicle
    # Check if the forward camera is active (not reversing into finish line)
    if body.camera_3d.current == true:
    # Check if the car hasn't finished
    if currentLap != maxLaps:
    # Increase lap count, reset checkpoint flag, and update the lap label
    currentLap += 1
    var labelLaps = labels.filter(func(label): return == "Laps")[0]
    labelLaps.text = "Laps: " + str(currentLap) + "/" + str(maxLaps)
  7. You will now be able to test it out, and each time you cross the finish line, the laps will increase!

We will need more precise lap counting than just checking if the car is facing forward. Checkpoints across the track will help keep count of the actual laps the car has done.

  1. Add the same nodes (apart from the MeshInstance3D) and a signal like the finish line’s.

    Name the Area3D “Checkpoint”.

    These checkpoints will be invisible. You will need to put them around the track. For the sake of time, I have only added one ‘halfway’ checkpoint, but it is recommended to do more.

  2. Then add this code to the connected function from the signal you made.
    var passed_checkpoint = false # Flag to ensure vehicle passes a checkpoint before completing a lap
    # (exisiting code here)
    func _on_finish_line_body_exited(body: Node3D) -> void:
    if body is VehicleBody3D:
    # Check if the forward camera is active (no reversing into finish line) AND checkpoint has been passed
    if body.camera_3d.current == true && passed_checkpoint:
    # Check if the car hasn't finished
    if currentLap != maxLaps:
    # (exisiting code here)
    passed_checkpoint = false # Reset checkpoint flag for the next lap
    # Called when the vehicle exits a checkpoint area (signal from checkpoint Area3D)
    func _on_checkpoint_body_exited(body: Node3D) -> void:
    # Check if the vehicle is the one triggering the checkpoint and the main camera is active
    if body is VehicleBody3D && body.camera_3d.current == true:
    passed_checkpoint = true # Mark checkpoint as passed, allowing lap completion
  3. Now, if you turn around before passing this checkpoint and go through the finish line, the lap counter won’t increase!

  1. To make a race car timer, we will need milliseconds, seconds, and minutes.
  2. In the hud.tscn scene: Copy and paste the ‘Laps’ label. Rename it to Time and move it to the top right hand corner of the screen. Set the text to Time: 00:00.000.
  3. Add this code to your existing code. If you understand the comments, feel free to delete them to reduce script clutter.
    # Variables for timer
    var time = 0.0 # Total time elapsed since the start of the race in seconds
    var minutes = 0 # Minutes component of the time display
    var seconds = 0 # Seconds component of the time display
    var msec = 0 # Milliseconds component of the time display
    # Called every frame, where 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame
    func _process(delta: float) -> void:
    # Update the total time by adding delta (time since last frame)
    time += delta
    # Calculate milliseconds, seconds, and minutes for time display
    msec = fmod(time, 1) * 100
    seconds = fmod(time, 60)
    minutes = fmod(time, 3600) / 60
    # Format the time as a string (MM:SS.mmm) for display
    var timeString = "%02d:%02d.%03d" % [minutes, seconds, msec]
    # Find the label displaying the time (assumes a label named "Time" is in the labels group)
    var labelTime = labels.filter(func(label): return == "Time")[0]
    labelTime.text = timeString
  4. Well done! You now have a working timer for your racing. Now you can see who the fastest race car driver is!

Adding in a reverse state (optional)

Section titled Adding in a reverse state (optional)
  1. If our car is still quite symmetrical, it would be easier to add in a reversing label so we can see if we are reversing or not.
  2. In the hud.tscn scene: Copy and paste the ‘Laps’ label. Rename it to Reversing and move it next to the Laps label. Set the text to Reversing.... Set the colour to red. Uncheck the Visible (or the eye icon), as we only want it to show up when we reverse.
  3. In our script, we will be able to put this label inside the script using our global group labels.
    var labels
    var reverse_label
    # (existing variables)
    func _ready() -> void:
    camera_look_at = global_position
    # Find our labels group, and filter them until we've found our reverse label
    labels = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("labels")
    reverse_label = labels.filter(func(label): return == "Reversing")[0]
    # (existing functions)
    func _check_camera_switch():
    if > -1:
    camera_3d.current = true
    reverse_label.hide() # We're driving forward
    reverse_camera.current = true # We're reversing!
  1. Once we’ve finished the race, we celebrate with a finish screen!

  2. In the hud.tscn scene: Add a ColorRect node under the main Control node.

    • Rename it to FinishedLevel and change it’s size to the whole screen.
    • Change the colour to transparent(ish) green.
    • Uncheck the Visible (or the eye icon), as we only want it to show up when we finish the track.
    • Add it to the labels global group (in Node > Signals).
    • Add a Label as a child of ColorRect and set the text to You've finished the track!. Set the scale to 3.
  3. Inside our, make some changes to our _on_finish_line_body_exited function, and add in a stop function.
    func _on_finish_line_body_exited(body: Node3D) -> void:
    if body is VehicleBody3D: # Check if the body that exited is the vehicle
    # Check if the main camera is active and checkpoint has been passed
    if body.camera_3d.current == true && passed_checkpoint:
    # Check if the current lap is the last one
    if currentLap == maxLaps:
    # Display "Finished Level" label to indicate race completion
    var finishedLevel = labels.filter(func(label): return == "FinishedLevel")[0]
    stop() # Stop processing further laps
    # Increase lap count, reset checkpoint flag, and update the lap label
    currentLap += 1
    var labelLaps = labels.filter(func(label): return == "Laps")[0]
    labelLaps.text = "Laps: " + str(currentLap) + "/" + str(maxLaps)
    passed_checkpoint = false # Reset checkpoint flag for the next lap
    # Function to stop the timer and prevent further processing
    func stop() -> void:
  1. In the hud.tscn scene: Add a ColorRect node under the main Control node.

    • Rename it to CrashedScreen and change it’s size to the whole screen.
    • Change the colour to transparent(ish) red.
    • Uncheck the Visible (or the eye icon), as we only want it to show up when we crash.
    • Add it to the labels global group (in Node > Signals).
    • Add a Label as a child of ColorRect and set the text to You crashed! Restart the game.. Set the scale to 3.
  2. Inside our, make some changes to our _physics_process and _ready functions.
    var crash_timer = 0.0
    var crash_threshold = 3.0 # Time in seconds before considering it crashed
    var crash_screen
    func _ready() -> void:
    # (exisiting code)
    crash_screen = labels.filter(func(label): return == "CrashedScreen")[0]
    func _physics_process(delta: float):
    # (exisiting code)
    # if the car has crashed: Check if the vehicle is upside down
    if < 0:
    crash_timer += delta
    if crash_timer >= crash_threshold:
    crash_timer = 0.0 # Reset timer if not upside down

The heads up display file structure: HUDFileStructure

The track 1 file structure: track1fileStructure

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