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Making the main scene and setup

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You will be making a 3D racing game with a track, timer, lap counter, menu, and (of course) a race car!

  1. Select 3D Scene and rename to “Game”.

  2. Add a child MeshInstance3D and rename to “Ground”. In the Inpector:

  3. Select New BoxMesh under Mesh.

  4. Click the BoxMesh and change the Size to (x: 50, y: 1, z: 50).

  5. Still in the BoxMesh, under Material, select New StandardMaterial3D.

  6. Find a road picture (preferably .png) so you can see where the car is going.

    • Download it into your racing game folder (I found mine here, on OpenGameArt).
    • In the Grounds’ Inspector > Mesh > Material > Albedo > Texture, click ‘Load’ and select your texture.
    • You will also need to change this Size to (x: 50, y: 1, z: 50). Picture of Ground Mesh properties
    • To make the texture repeat itself: UV1 > Triplanar to ‘On’.
    • To make the texture not repeat as much, you can toggle with the UV1 > Scale properties.
  7. When on the Ground node, the menu bar will have a Mesh button.

    Create a collision shape and change Collision shape placement to Static Body Child.

  8. Save your scene.

Your ground should now have repeated your picture and look something like this:

Picture of repeating picture on the ground

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