Scripting The Button
Now, go to the script on your player and add an @onready
variable for the ray cast and label similar to how the main_camera
When you have @onready var your_var_name =
you can just drag the node from the scene tree into the script, and it will automatically fill in the variable path and add $.
Next add the action for your interact button, like you did for the movement keys. E or F are good buttons for basic world interaction, and name it something like ‘interact’.
Finally, somewhere in your _physics_process(delta)
function, probably after the jumping code, check if the input action “interact” was pressed this frame.
If it was, get the collider from the ray cast and check if it’s a valid instance, then check if it’s in the “Button” group, and if it is set the label to visible.
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("interact"): var object = ray_cast.get_collider() if is_instance_valid(object): if object.is_in_group("Button"): label.visible = true
Boom! Interaction.
Scripted Button
Section titled Scripted ButtonNow if you play the game, look at the cube, and press your interaction button it should show text on screen. This is a game. What you have made is a game. It might not look like it, but if you had beautiful art it would.
If you made some 3D models of platforms, a button, a character, and added a skybox it would look like a real game. That’s truly the only difference. Well, that, and maybe a goal.
Next you should go join a game jam or go through our 3D racing game tutorial!